We are taking last order for the year before we close for the festive season. Contact us today! Order your stock TODAY!
Festive Season Closing Times: 21 December 2023 to 5 January 2024
Blanes Pressure Solutions supplies a comprehensive range of pressure measurement instruments. We offer a range of gauges, switches, transmitters, valves and manifolds.
Click on the below sections to view our product range.
Valves & Manifolds
Our market is the generally the process industry. Our customers range from pump and compressor manufacturers, through to the chemical, mining, power generation and pulp/paper industries.
Blanes Pressure Solutions provides aftercare where we can SERVICE and SANAS calibrate Deadweight Testers & Gauges.
For more information on placing orders, after care and maintenance services you can contact our Sales Manager Ronel Olivier on ronel@pressuresolutions.co.za or 011 422 1749.
Blanes Pressure Solutions supplies a comprehensive range of pressure measurement instruments.
Blanes Pressure Solutions was founded in 2002 to take over the pressure business of Blanes Instruments CC, and can trace its pedigree back to 1893, when Robert Blane left Scotland to make his fortune on the Witwatersrand.