Budenberg 179F Differential Pressure Gauge

The Model 179 Differential Pressure Gauge consists essentially of two opposing bourdon tubes, each having its own connection but operating a common pointer that shows the difference between the two pressures. Used in applications that require an instrument to measure the difference between two pressures where the system pressure is up to 4x greater than the differential range. The gauge is designed to withstand full working pressure, applied separately to either connection or together. The maximum working pressure should not be exceeded even temporarily, so the possibility of surging pressures should be considered when selecting the instrument. These instruments can also be supplied with a central zero scale if necessary, e.g. 1 to 0 to 1 bar (corresponding to a differential pressure range of 2 bar in the table below). Please contact our sales office regarding higher graduations.

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Size Dial
150 mm Dial Diameter

Surface Mounting – Model 179F
Flush Mounting – Model 11/179

Case & Bezel
Die cast Aluminium, Grey finish to IP55

Scale Ranges
0 to 1 Bar up to 16 Bar Pressure
Equivalent units of pressure / vacuum available
Option: Central Zero Scales e.g. 1-0-1 bar

Temperature Installation instructions
Operating: -20 to +90 Degrees C
Storage: -40 up to + 100 Degrees C

Accuracy Class
1.5% of FSD as defined in EN837-1

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